Middle School Participation & Concent
In limited circumstances, middle school students will be allowed to try out for, and compete in, high school athletic programs.
Middle School students will be eligible to try out for high school athletic sports if the following conditions are present:
1. The student must be in 7th or 8th grade.
2. The student must be achieving appropriate academic progress, adhering to school rules, and have regular attendance.
3. The student must be physically and emotionally capable of handling high school competition. Permission must be obtained from the parents, coach, activities director, and middle school and high school principal. The permission form will include a statement of potential issues relative to middle school student participation at the high school level.
4. No students in grades 9 – 12 may be cut in order to provide an opportunity for middle school participation.
5. Responsibility for integrating the student into the team should be shared between the coaches, activities director, student and parents. The number of eligible middle school students who participate on high school athletic teams will be determined by tryouts and coaches decision.
6. No middle school student shall get out of school early for practice. The only time a student is to get out of school early is in the case of a game or competition.